Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ~Mark Twain

Dear Hacker

Computers and e-mail accounts get hacked constantly.  Typically, your list of contacts receives an e-mail supposedly from you, that offers weird products and you get the blame. Last night I received a suspicious e-mail.  The creepy aspect was that it came from my e-mail address.  Someone hacked my account to send me an e-mail.  It was not to sell me anything, but to direct me to information on a topic, that I’d been researching.

Big Brother as written in  George Orwell’s novel 1984 is possible. Governments and other entities can and have used electronics to watch various populations.   Who is watching me and why?


Dear Hacker/Watcher,

Help me understand why you chose to hack me.  I’ve listed the most common reasons and would really appreciate learning why I peaked your interest.

  1. Money ~ I am poor. My bank accounts are not worth your trouble.  Transfer fees would eat up the balances.
  2. Identity theft ~ my credit history is almost non-existent as I avoid using credit.
  3. Blackmail ~ there is nothing on my computer that would embarrass me. For past jobs, I’ve passed FBI background checks and been told that my record is totally boring. I’ve never been arrested, sued, or photographed with a wardrobe malfunction. I’d hate to see the bad hair photos posted in Times Square, but there is nothing of an adult nature.
  4. Prestige ~ serious hackers enjoy the challenge of getting into something governmental, military or financial. Your hacker friends will laugh if you try to brag about hacking an old  mature lady.
  5. Power ~ I have none to usurp. Even my dogs ignore my commands.
  6. My contacts ~ See number 3. You would consider my friends boring too.  They are honest people who take care of their families and rarely get arrested. If any have secret identities or are spies, they are good at their jobs.  I don’t know their secrets and I’m annoyingly curious.  So I’m asking you, why hack me?

Since I don’t know your personal email, I’ll send this to myself, I’m sure you’ll get it


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