Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ~Mark Twain

Archive for the ‘Holidays’ Category

Hometown Celebration

Independence Day in Modesto was one of my favorite childhood events. Each year, we were excited about watching the parade. The night before, Dad and a friend would park one of their pickups along 10th street to reserve a spot to view the parade.  Early the next morning, the two families would arrive in another vehicle, park as close as possible, unload and haul folding chairs and ice chests to the waiting truck.

Regardless of when we arrived, it was always hot. The temperature would reach 100° and continue to climb, but we kids ignored that.  We were too excited about the parade.  We wanted to wave at the people on the floats, hear the bands and maybe pet the horses. Mom was a not a fan of the heat and to please her, Dad rigged a shade awning over the top of the open truck bed.  It successfully created an illusion of cool rather than a reality, but Mom appreciated his efforts.

After the parade, family and friends would gather for grilled food, home-made ice cream, juicy watermelon and games to last until the lights went out at Del Webb Field and fireworks lit the sky.  Each 4th of July, I remember those wonderful low-cost, but cherished celebrations and wish I was there again.



Blessings in 2014

I woke this morning under a water tight roof, in a warm bed with a loving husband lying next to me. After a hot shower, I selected an outfit from a variety of clean clothes. I walked into a kitchen with a refrigerator and cupboards filled with food. I hugged my son, petted the dogs and sat down with a laptop. Rather than listing resolutions, I’m counting blessings.

New Year resolutions are about making changes. I know the changes I need to make in myself, the “to do” list has remained the same for years. When I fail to accomplish the resolutions, I disappoint myself. Focusing on blessings instead of my faults encourages me to smile. The positive energy empowers me to help others. This morning, family called asking for help. Their request honored me by respecting my abilities. I hope I helped as it felt good to be needed. I wonder what blessings tomorrow will bring?


Count your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)

If you’re worried and you can’t sleep

Just count your blessings instead of sheep

And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings

song written by Irving Berlin

The Christmas Hound

     Wally loved Christmas with its yummy smells, happy music and trees allowed to live indoors.  He was a curious little guy clothed in a black and tan fur coat and sported a magnificent beard. He was also a miniature, wirehaired, dachshund.  He did not understand the meaning of the holiday, but he knew the arrival of a tree in the living room signaled a time of delicious treats. 
     Each year, Wally watched intently as we decorated the tree. Once the branches glowed with lights reflected in shiny globes, presents began to appear at the base. He carefully walked a path among the boxes. Despite his lack of education, I believe he read the labels seeking his name.  He was well mannered and never disturbed the packages except to use one as a pillow while napping under the fragrant pine.  Each time more gifts appeared, he ran through the house to gather the family and lead them to the tree, insuring they did not miss the miracle of more presents.
     Christmas morning, exclamations of pleasure as presents were opened excited Wally.  He danced from person to person, wagged his tail and always managed to be included in the hugs of appreciation.  Then it was Wally’s turn, he held a gift in his paws and chewed off the paper to unveil the tasty treasure inside.   
     December 23, 2003, our Christmas hound died.  We took turns holding Wally as we promised him and ourselves, that somehow everything would be okay. The joy of the season dimmed with his passing, but we went through the familiar rituals, trying to cheer each other. We still miss Wally every day and especially during the holidays.  Time shrunk our sorrow and now when we decorate a tree we can smile imagining that in Wally’s heaven, Christmas trees are displayed every day and there are always presents to unwrap.

Red and White Flannel

     Grandma Lucy was a seamstress. She created beautiful clothes for those who wanted to wear something original. For many years, she presented her fourteen grandchildren with homemade pajamas for Christmas. The material was always red and white flannel and the pjs were always too big. Grandma believed kids clothes should have room for growing bodies.
     Each Christmas Eve, my brothers, sister and I opened one present. The rest had to wait until the next morning. Mom selected the packages and we knew they contained new sleepwear made by Grandma. The only surprise was the design printed on the flannel and if the buttons would be red or white. 

     As a young girl, I did not appreciate the hours of time Grandma spent sitting bent over her Singer machine sewing for fourteen different sized kids. After Grandma moved to heaven, I remembered her gifts made with so much love. I shared the memories with my husband and son. Last Christmas, they gave me red and white flannel pajamas. I received gifts that were more expensive, but none as thoughtful. When I wear the red top and striped pants, I feel loved by not only my husband and son, but by Grandma.

     What were some of your favorite gifts and or memories of Christmas?

Christmas 1957 with cousin Kathy, brother Jerry, me, and Grandma holding cousin Jean

Temptation and Redemption

     “Christmas is coming; the goose is getting fat.”  I don’t know about the goose, but I’m getting fat.  Homemade temptations that only appear during the holiday season are stronger than my will power.  The fantasy image of wearing a sexy dress on New Year’s Eve is eclipsed by the real smells of Christmas goodies.

     Since Thanksgiving, I’ve been making cookies, breads, pies, and cakes.  No, I’m not working on an apprenticeship as a baker.  My family has a tradition of giving homemade food items as Christmas gifts.  Decorated sugar cookies, pumpkin breads and pies, fudge with and without nuts, peanut brittle, and cocoa mixes fill the decorated tins and containers we give to family and friends.  No self-respecting baker can serve an item that has not passed stringent taste testing.  Thus each day finds us sampling our work with cold glasses of milk.  It is this dedication to quality that is responsible for the extra pounds I now wear. 

     At least, I know that my New Year’s resolution will be to lose weight.  It will be easy to remember.  I make the same resolution every year.  Generally, I start great.  A sensible diet, an ample supply of the appropriate foodstuffs required to follow the diet, and even an exercise video to guide me through the contortions that promise to result in weight loss.  Then Valentine’s Day arrives in February and the persuasiveness of chocolate convinces my willpower to take a vacation.

     Once I stumble while dieting, I do not pick myself up and continue on the straight and narrow path to the land of thin.  I’m not sure if the guilt is defeating me, or if I am looking for an excuse, any excuse allowing me to stop regulating what I put in my mouth.  Perhaps, I can avoid the guilt if I build a cheating loophole into my diet and allow myself a small portion of something I crave once in a while.  A reward system for sticking to the diet can include both food and non-edible items. 

     There are many ways a woman can pamper herself. Salon treatments including manicures, pedicures, even a shampoo performed by someone who delivers a soothing scalp massage can be an indulgence.  Of course as I lose weight, I must buy new clothes that will fit.  For a reward, I can go beyond the need of covering my nakedness by adding colorful accessories that are not a necessity, but another indulgence.  Hmm. I’m starting to like this idea. 

     OK, now I am making this official.  In 2013, I resolve to lose weight.  I am not going to stipulate a specific amount, but rather, I will promise to follow a reasonable diet that will result in realistic weight loss over the whole year.  Focusing on the positive when I succeed will be my re-enforcement to accomplish my goal rather than surrendering due to guilt. When I need incentive to continue changing my eating habits, I will allow myself a non-edible indulgence that will make me feel good about myself. 

     Excuse me, I must check the cookies in the oven.  It is a new recipe and I have a glass of milk ready to help with the quality inspection.

Gift Suggestions

Women start offering hints months before a birthday, anniversary or other gift giving opportunity.  Of course, if the man actually asks, “What do you want?” the woman will reply, “Nothing” or “Anything from you, Dear.” Only the most naive of men believe that. 

A woman spends hours considering the perfect gift for her man.  So guys do not expect to get away with wilted flowers and a dented box of chocolate.  If you have been in a relationship for a while, you should know that appliances and exercise equipment do not qualify as gifts of love.  Does that ruin your surprise?  Well, studs, I’m going to solve your dilemma.  I will explain in simple terms what women really want. 

Typical gifts of flowers, candy, perfume, lingerie, and the ever-popular jewelry are a safe bet to bring smiles, hugs and thank you kisses.  However, if you really want to please the lady in your life, consider the following.  

1.     Living with someone who will NOT ignore her would make any female happy.  To be asked for her ideas and opinions and then to have her responses listened to and seriously considered is an exciting gift.  Couples do not always have to agree, but they should be willing to respect each other’s views.    
2.     A woman wants to be kissed good morning and good night each day without having to ask for it or to instigate the kiss.  When couples go their separate ways during the day, a woman wants to be blessed with a goodbye kiss and then welcomed back with a kiss that lets her know she was missed. 
3.     A woman wants to be told that she is beautiful before she puts on her makeup, to be touched and held just because, not because it will lead to sex. 
4.     A woman wants a lover, who is also her best friend, someone she trusts and is comfortable with so she can be herself.  She needs a partner who can be depended on to tell the truth, even when the truth is upsetting.  Trust is more important than a lie told to avoid having a discussion.  Besides, make up sex can be good too.
To give your lady pleasure, buy whatever you think will bring a smile to her face.  To give her joy, give yourself.  Your time is best spent when you spend it with someone you love.